Sunday, November 8, 2009

Open Streets - Brighter Planet

As you know members of the WGIC staff recently participated in the Boulevard Lakefront Tour - well since then we've stayed up to date on the Active Transportation Alliance's efforts to improve the roads and sidewalks for bikers and walkers/runners in Chicago; and their latest event has us smiling from ear to ear! Check it out below:

Open Streets - Brighter Planet
ATA has submitted Open Streets to the Brighter Planet's Project Fund - And your votes can help!

Open Streets closes roads off from vehicle use for a part of a day, meaning opening up the space for recreation, walking, bicycling and fostering an inviting place for leisure. Taking vehicles off the road has many positive effects not only for the recreational potential, but for health and environmental purposes as well. When communities are allowed to take back their streets, and realize that the roads are meant for sharing, more people become comfortable with the idea of alternative forms of transportation and recreation.

Open Streets seeks to create great consequences for the fight against pollution and global warming. The need for more green space is real, and Open Streets seeks to address this need by turning our city’s major roads into large, continuous open parks. If given the space for recreation, a healthier, more active community will live in an environment with less pollution and danger from vehicle congestion.

Active Transportation Alliance is proud to be participating with Brighter Planet and is committed to making our communities better by creating a more sustainable, healthy and less polluted environment. Open Streets is about many things: it’s about bringing the community closer together, improving the environment, it’s about residents having a safe place to be active, about having time to play, and it’s about changing peoples attitudes about communities they have never visited.

Click here to Vote to lower our emissions and stay active!

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